Warktone are now being sold at The Laboratory in Deptford NJ!
Specifically, model #2, the 5e3 featured most recently on this blog, is available for test driving and purchase! Go check it out.
For more info, here's my official blurb:
What we have here is a spot-on replica of a 1959 Fender 5e3 Tweed Deluxe 1x12. Built by hand in 2009, this amp has all high-quality, period correct components, including Sprauge Atom filter capacitors, Mallory 150 signal caps, a Weber alnico sigature 12 speaker, weber transformers, REAL VINTAGE Sylvania 12ay7 preamp tube, New J/J 12ax7 phase inverter tube, REAL VINTAGE Philco 5Y3 rectifier tube, and new Sovtek 6V6 power tubes (not pictured, but that's whats in the amp). The wiring is period-correct 18 guage cotton-insulated solid core, on a period-correct cardboard eyelet board. The cabinet is also a Weber, period-correct pine construction with an "aged-tweed/oxblood" finish.
For those familiar with the 5e3, you know what you're in for. This amp has that classic tweed deluxe sound, with early break-up that is very touch sensitive and responsive, and this is one of those amps that will let the natural sound of you guitar shine through. You can get a nice clean tone out of this amp at low volumes, but due to the nature of these amps, expect breakup to happen around 3-4 on the dial (out of 12). This amp is totally giggable, being lightweight and powerful enough to fill a small room and hold up against a drummer, although putting a mic in front of it will give you the most flexibility.
This amp was hand-built by me and Jim, and I will warranty the amp as free from defects for 1 year, and will service the amp beyond that as needed, for a nominal fee. The only fine print is that tubes are not covered, being that they wear out over time. Average tube life can be expected to be 1-2 years for the power tubes, 4 or more for the rest. Because of the design of this amp rebiasing is generally not nessacery when replacing tubes, although power tubes should be a matched pair. Because of the nature of the construction & quality of the parts, however, it is likely this amp will not need servicing for 20 years or more, just like the real thing.
The amp is currently on consignment at The Laboratory in Depford, NJ, and as such can be checked out at any time, without appointment. Just go in and ask for the "Warktone"