Wednesday, December 31, 2008

everyone i went to highschool with is not, in fact, dead.

let me introduce myself. I'm this guy. I'm currently the guitarist in the silence kit, but i've also played in a number of other bands, the first and closest to my heart being dubbed in english, a band I started with some guys i met on a bbs(remember those?) way back in 1996.

anyway, being a tone-snob guitarist, and finally getting sick of the fact that nobody in south jersey can competently work on tube guitar amps i finally decided to start tinkering with them myself, and that quickly led to building my own. my first amp build was a Dave Hunter Two-Stroke, which was a great success and is now being happily played by some guy in New York. I'll talk more about that build and my experiences in a later post. i'm now working on a straight up 5e3 clone (a 1957 tweed Fender Deluxe) that i am working on with a friend, and will be posting some details on that as well.

which brings me to the point of this blog - amps in particular, and guitar tone in general. i plan on turning this amp building hobby into some sort of a semi-business, building high-quality handmade custom and cloned amps - and any thoughts i have along the way i'll be sharing here. comments are welcome.

i'll probably also be talking about bands i like (the cure, new order, joy division, faith no more, death cab for cutie, etc), and might occasionally write a crazy drunk post about how the end of mgs4 made me cry cool about video games i've played.

please to enjoy.

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